State and Local Policy

Insurance In California Is Changing. Here's How It May Affect You

For most people, insurance is the first line of defense against climate change. When struck by wildfire, flooding or other calamity, an adequate insurance policy can come to the rescue. It’s like a financial first responder, an ambulance full of money to help people back onto their feet. Insurance is the reason something bad happening to you, like losing your home in a wildfire, doesn’t guarantee a slide into poverty.

Proposed 2024 Ballot Measure Would Close Loopholes in California Public Records Act

It was a milestone moment in open government in 1968 when then California Gov. Ronald Reagan signed into law what was intended to give all citizens a legal right to inspect and get copies of government records.  

In California, statewide housing reforms brush against local resistance

Since 2017, California lawmakers have passed over 100 pieces of legislation intended to combat the growing housing affordability and availability crisis. National observers have focused particularly on laws that legalize building accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and duplexes in all residential areas, including neighborhoods previously reserved for single-family detached homes. But these are only one part of a multipronged approach: California has also passed laws that lower procedural hurdles for achieving the state’s long-standing housing production targets and add teeth to enforcing those targets.